Here is an article that answers briefly 21 objections to Christian Universalism. Below is an excerpt.

by Steve Jones

Objection 1: If universal restoration is true, why be a Christian now?

Answer: We ought to follow Jesus, first of all, because it is the right and good thing to do. Second, that we might enjoy a purpose in our existence, an abundant life, a freedom from the tyranny of evil and an escape from the mundane offerings of this world.

Objection 2: If all will be saved someday, why evangelize?

Answer: See the answer to the first objection.

Objection 3: Without the threat of endless hell, some people won’t respond to God or seek to do good. If universalism were revealed true, many Christians would give up the faith and live ungodly lives.

Answer: Such people are unworthy of the Christian name. They obey God as slaves under the lash, not as children seeking to live in the Father’s love. I refuse to allow them to drive my interpretation of human destiny.

Robin Parry is my favorite teacher of Universalism. This video is so powerful. One of the best talks I’ve listened to by Robin.

Here is a quote from the above article.

“Christian universalism is the belief that in the end all people will participate in the salvation achieved for them by Christ.”

“If you notice there, we’ve got:

  • “salvation”, which presupposes some understanding of needing to be saved from something. So implicitly there’s some idea of some problem, some issue, sin, whatever.
  • “By Christ” so it’s got something to do with Jesus saving us—otherwise it’s not Christianuniversalism.
  • of course what makes it universalism is the “all people” bit.
  • and the “in the end” bit, that’s quite important.”

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